Protect yourself from immigration scams: Here are some tips and tricks

Protect yourself from immigration scams: Here are some tips and tricks

Immigrating to another country for study is not at all an easier task. But the attractive opportunities and easy entry gateway in another country have made studying abroad a more viable option. However, the process of studying abroad is fraught with hurdles in terms of scams and complexity, so an individual needs to be well-aware of the facts. It is better to keep yourself away from immigration scams to avoid any potent risk at later stages.

Once an individual is found in such a situation, it can lead to the permanent blacklisting of that person in the country’s record. Those who are planning to study abroad need to be extra cautious at every step, from selecting legitimate universities to completing deadlines and submitting error-free and accurate applications.

To avoid any risk, consider the following tips:

The right immigration lawyer:

Chothani advises looking at the firm’s website, Google reviews, and client testimonials to make sure you get the best immigration lawyer. Further, she advises that students should get recommendations from their friends on the matter.

It is always advisable to check the past record of the firm and how experienced their team is.

Choose the right study abroad counsellor:

Students planning to study abroad need the help of a study abroad counsellor to guide them through the process. The students should make an informed decision when it comes to selecting their study abroad consultants. Further, everyone feels that students should verify the reputation and loyalty of the consultancy.

Moreover, experts in the field suggest students assess the individualised nature of the counsellors. A perfect evaluation is whether counsellors are catering to their personalised needs and answering their questions or not.

Choosing the right university:

Do rigorous research yourself and do not blindly trust the words of counsellors on the matter. Though it is difficult to know everything about the university from miles away, do ask the counsellors regarding the workings of the university. Even the universities these days provide students with virtual tours, which can be beneficial. Take advantage of the latest technology and resources available to know the relevant details about the programme and university you are interested in.

Always submit authentic documents:

One of the top reasons why immigration scams happen is because of misleading documents. Be sure to fill out the application with the correct information and documents to avoid any potential risks. Further, it is advisable to not omit or misrepresent any information so that your application appears to be accurate.

Moreover, always insist on a receipt for the admission fee from the academic institution. Do not blindly rely on the receipt given to you by an agent, as it can be a fraudulent receipt. Always keep in touch with the institution directly to ask about your document.

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