Ireland has become an Indian student’s favourite study destination:

Ireland has become an Indian student’s favourite study destination

Ireland fuses academic excellence and a high quality of life with its world-class education system, vibrant culture, amazing landscapes, and welcoming atmosphere. This is why Indian students are drawn to universities in Ireland. Over 30,400 international students were enrolled in universities in Ireland during the 2021/22 academic year. There is a remarkable increase of 20% compared to the previous year.

Why choose Ireland as a study destination?

The exceptional quality of education is one of the primary reasons students are selecting Ireland. With the United Kingdom‘s departure from the European Union, Ireland is now the only English-speaking majority nation in the EU, making it an ideal place for students to pursue studies in an international environment.

Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, and University College Cork are among the most prestigious universities in Ireland, renowned for their academic excellence and contributions to research. These institutions offer courses in a wide range of fields, including the sciences, engineering, business, humanities, and arts.

Benefits of studying in Ireland:

There are endless benefits to studying in Ireland, including affordable education. International students are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week during the academic term and up to 40 hours per week during academic breaks such as winter and summer. This advantageous opportunity enables students to earn additional income and acquire work experience while finishing their education.

Apart from this, students are also provided with many scholarship opportunities. Each scholarship will have different criteria to offer a scholarship, wherein some scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit-based, institution-specific, country-based, and financial aid.

Career opportunities:

A degree from an Irish institution opens up a world of career opportunities, especially with global companies like Google, LinkedIn, and Microsoft, which have significant presences in Ireland.
According to the Higher Education Authority’s Graduate Outcomes Survey, a remarkable 80% of international graduates from Irish universities were either employed or on their way to beginning a job, while another 66% of these students secured employment within Ireland.  To conclude, Ireland has become one of the favourite study abroad destinations for Indian students in recent years. The country offers enormous chances for students to learn and grow. Indian students can gain valuable experience while studying in Ireland, which will further help them develop a global perspective and make a successful career for themselves. Any student who is planning to study in Ireland can opt for any course, including STEM, healthcare, or business.

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